with the opening today of pirates of the caribbean 3, i feel like i'm living the same summer over and over and over... but it's not exactly the same: it's like someone photocopied my summer. it's not quite as good, the tones and colors aren't exact, the subtle shades aren't apparent. then, someone took that photocopy and photocopied it. magnifying all of the imperfections and murkiness.
pirates 3 , shrek 3, spiderman 3. enough! enough! enough!
okay, so i haven't seen any of these movies (no, not films, there is a difference) and will most likely see spiderman and that's it. (it's sam raimi, i'm obligated.)
why do people feel the need to go and see all these sequels? is it that we are so "short" on time in our lives that we can't stand the idea of "wasting" 2 hours on something that might not entertain? "well, the last 2 movies were good, so we have to go see the next one..."
you know what? i saw shrek (the first one.) that was enough.
come on.
if you keep going, they'll keep making this crap. look at shrek 3 - top grossing weekend blah blah blah. and the reviews are pretty horrible.
it's weird - a little indie film (yes, there is a difference between a film and movie) like little miss sunshine comes out last summer and makes $70 mil! how does that happen, and why doesn't hollywood pick up on that?
here's an idea. make a really good film for $5 mil. market the crap out of it for say $25 mil. that's a total of $30 mil. say you make $75 mil at the box office, that's $40 mil profit, before video! why do you need to spend $200 mil making a crappy movie? for the cost of one shrek 3, you could make 40 really good films. 40.
please make good films. stop hedging bets on crappy sequels.
and if you are going to make sequels, how about the breakfast club?
anyone else have ideas?