i heard somewhere that if you have a job where you have to say the same words or phrases day in and day out, that you run the risk of getting throat cancer. i guess the theory is that repetitive use of the same section of your vocal chords will wear them out.
throat cancer's greatest hits:
"do you want fries with that?"
"does this package contain anything fragile, liquid, perishable or potentially hazardous?"
"good morning, (insert company name here) how may i direct your call?"
so choose your profession carefully. it may cause cancer.
Please, please, please quote sources, or better yet, link to them.
Repetitious words? Sounds like blog-fodder to me.
okay, anonymous.
i get it.
you are very concerned with "the truth"
this blog is not about "the truth"
it's about things off the top of my head.
interesting ideas.
quips. thoughts. ponderments.
maybe i should put a disclaimer at the top that says "for entertainment purposes only"
this is not "fact" - as prefaced by "i heard somewhere..."
like when you are having a person to person conversation and you say "i heard the other day."
the person listening doesn't ask you to "quote sources"
i don't pretend to be the authority on anything. or an expert. if you want "facts" go to a "fact source" which i don't claim to be.
this site ain't for learnin' about nuthin' - it's like smokin' crack. (although don't quote me on that because i've never tried it, and in fact don't know if it's like "smokin' crack.")
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