cbs chief foreign correspondent lara logan, you are the bomb. i can't get you out of my head. of the 5 celebrities on my "list," you are currently number one. you make me feel like one of those teenage girls you see on the footage of the beetles playing live, screaming and clawing at my face and crying, "please god, oh please." you look good. so good. even with a helmet on, covered in sand and dust. in fact, i think you look better that way. and you have a british accent. and you used to be a swimsuit model. and your reporting. your reporting. you are really good at that. which is pretty rare.
once i saw lara logan live. she had no makeup on (still looked amazing.) they went to a short, short package (less than a minute) and came back and she had full makeup on. wow. quick. and great.
anyway, lara logan. the only reason to watch corporate news.
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