i just wanted to say that i really enjoy you as a person. ever since i saw buffalo 66 in the theater, i knew that i dug your vibe.
seeing buffalo 66 and the brown bunny have had a profound effect on me and my life. they make me want to create and give me a reason to live.
you seem like a pretty wacky guy. some stuff i don't understand, like the whole conservative republican vibe.
how can someone who makes art say stuff like that? are you just simply being contrary? anway that's what makes you, you.
also things like giving roger ebert cancer, and selling your sperm on your website. and being a breakdancer. and a model.
anyway, i just wanted to say thanks for making a few great movies and being true to yourself, whatever that means.
i wait patiently for your next film.
Eric- Gallo is a freak and a bigot. I don't care how good his films are, or how arty he is trying to be. He still makes my skin crawl.
V. "I’m clearly a small-minded person, with my own petty grievances. Hopefully, my work transcends my own petty grievances and small-minded nature."
A quote from the man himself. Yes, indeed his work does transcend because Buffalo 66 is one of the most beautifully simplistic love stories ever told.
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