1. freshly cut grass
2. freshly showered woman
3. real pit barbecue
4. sharpie markers
5. brewing beer
6. brewing coffee
7. a brand new dvd amaray case
10. burning fireworks
11. burning campfire
12. my wife's cooking
13. my dog, zeffer
14. vietnam restuarant
15. new sneakers
16. sunday paper
17. my farts
Re: #13... presumably not Zeffer's Butt.
While I've had the luxury of NOT smelling any of your farts (although I believe I may have heard a few), I don't think the smell of your farts would likely make it in my top 20 good smells list. Sorry, Eric. That being said, do your farts actually smell GOOD to you, or are you just completely intrigued by the fact that you can smell your own innards? I only ask because while I don't particularly LIKE the smell of my own farts, I DO like to know what they smell like...and I have been known to walk away from my own stenchy stank bombs because once I got a whiff, I didn't like it so much.
upon much reflection (and flatulence) i can truely say that i do in fact enjoy my own farts. usually my farts make some noise and aren't that noxious (unless drinking or I.B.S. is in place) but in any case, i make a lovely stink. (as that anoying french chick in pulp fiction says to bruce willis "i love your stink.)
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