Wednesday, July 18, 2007

zip tie haiku

1000 uses

cops employ them as handcuffs

very versatile


Anonymous said...

Howzabout this Hakiu-

New Facist Restaint
Hold Freedom
In Captivity

Haiku. F U!

eric said...

well that's great except:

what the fuck is "restaint"?

and a haiku (not "hakiu) is

5 syllables
7 syllables
5 syllables


Anonymous said...

Come on, Ford-
never made a spelling mistake in your life?
I did just get a masters, man. not really feeling like a dumbass, although, guess i was'nt feeling like spell checking, either.-

JIM MUELLER, poster of the Haiku.
I also looked up on several websites that said my 5-3-5 syl. format was cool, depends on which school of "hayecoo" thought you ascribe to. Now, Im no poet, so I just incorporated those rules, not that they were correct, just wanted to try my hand at hyekoo.
choke on my spelling mistakes, douchy.