man, i totally forgot how much metallica rocks!
i recently starting listening to them again after re-watching the great great joe berlinger documentary, paradise lost: the child murders at robin hood hills. the whole soundtrack is metallica, circa the masters of puppets years.
i had forgotten how masterful that album was, and was reminded how much i loved them.
my youthful trip into metal music began i think in 6th grade when i got the beastie boy's album, liscence to ill, for my birthday. you say, that's not metal! but... it featured slayer guitarist kerry king. that, my friends, got the head bangin'!
from there, i got into classic rock, zeppelin, hendrix, etc. at that point i think one of my brother's friends in boy scouts (he's 2 years older) got me into metal, and more specifically, metallica. from the scary, in your face imagery of their album covers and t-shirts, to the ferocity and energy of hetfield's vocals, to the power and ripping melodies of hammett's guitar solos, i was hooked!
favorite album? toss up. i swing towards master of puppets, but ...and justice for all i really think was their high point.
ahhh... so many memories: listening to the garage days re-revisited tape that i bought at the mall while driving with my aunt, sporting my justice shirt and headphones all the way to d.c. in a boy scout bus, headbanging while raking leaves to master of puppets, school dances where the 4 metal heads (who actually went to dances) begged the dj to play metallica, then they would put on one and everyone would clear out while we waited for the fast parts to kick in then go nuts...
metallica and i parted ways at the black album. i remember it being cool that they were getting huge with enter sandman, but once hetfield took singing lessons... done.
just put on ...and justice for all. it will get you rocking. hard.